year: 2017
commissioner: Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB)
technique: 4-color-offset
format: 594×841mm (poster)
Poster and postcard for the talk “Do you really want to become a contemporary artist?”, which took place at the HGB Leipzig.
The concept was to enable the participants of the talk to decide on a sticker in order to answer if they wanted to become a contemporary artist or rather not.
Poster und Flyer zur Diskussion „Do you really want to become a contemporary artist?“ in der HGB Leipzig.
Die Teilnehmer*innen konnten so während des Talks und danach mit einem Sticker die Frage beantworten, ob sie ein*e zeitgenössische*r Künstler*in sein wollen.
year: 2017
commissioner: Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB)
technique: 4-color-offset
format: 594×841mm (poster)
Poster and postcard for the talk “Do you really want to become a contemporary artist?”, which took place at the HGB Leipzig.
The concept was to enable the participants of the talk to decide on a sticker in order to answer if they wanted to become a contemporary artist or rather not.
Poster und Flyer zur Diskussion „Do you really want to become a contemporary artist?“ in der HGB Leipzig.
Die Teilnehmer*innen konnten so während des Talks und danach mit einem Sticker die Frage beantworten, ob sie ein*e zeitgenössische*r Künstler*in sein wollen.